Vol 1 Iss 2

Dorian Mode: Norfolk Island. Inside out, from the outside in.

“Watch out for the car and that chicken,” my wife says, as chooks scatter while…

Barney Duffy: Truth or Legend? Or a bit of both?

Just about everyone who comes to Norfolk Island hears the story of Barney Duffy. Barney…

Wearable Art

Wearable Art, where art and the body become one. The human form becomes a canvas…

Island People: David ‘Dids’ Evans

There are a surprising number of people on Norfolk Island with an artistic bent, considering…

Island Homes: Aunt Amy & The Clothing Club

The old house is somewhat off the beaten track, but well worth a visit from…

Bounty Day: What to Wear?

Every year, a few days before the 8th of June, we take down our “Bounty…

Theatre in Paradise

Once a year, the lights are dimmed, the prompters find their places, the actors prepare…

Coffee: Wine of the Bean

Coffee has been used as a beverage since the ninth century, when it was discovered…